Thursday, March 24, 2011

McKinley School Growing Champions

Thanks to McKinley School for a great donation to Unity Gardens to help sponsor Unity Gardens April 9 Garden Opening at LaSalle Square . The donation fits with the education mission . On the 9th we will be unveiling our education isle at LaSalle Square , and our Kids Garden. This will make the garden a great place for class Field trips, but also a place to hold education classes. We are thankful for the support .

There is more than that . McKinley is not only supporting Unity outside the school , but they are doing their own Unity Garden , and it

is nothing less than Spectacular . They have come up with grant money , and donations to support their garden . Fogelys Landscaping has come up with a cool garden design , and a nearby church group is building the raised beds . Its more than just a garden its a community learning, and building experience for the students, and teacher .

I cannot say anything more than this is a great group led by Deb Martin .Watch them grow a be a shining example for the SBSC

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